What are the Benefits of Divorce Mediation in NC?
Explore the benefits of divorce mediation with family law attorney and certified family financial mediator Richard A. Waugaman, III in...

Is there emergency support in NC?
Other than requesting an expedited hearing on temporary support or requesting support through a Domestic Violence Protective Order, North...

How Do I File for Child Support when I Don't Have a Lot of Money?
This post points you in the direction of affordable resources that are available when you are in need of child support.

Domestic Violence and Custody
What are your options for protecting your children and for custody when there are issues of domestic violence haunting you and them?

What does NC law consider domestic violence?
How is domestic violence defined by law in North Carolina and how to get help.

Domestic Violence is a Deadly Problem
Domestic Violence is a real problem throughout this state and the globe. The NC Coalition for Domestic Violence has put together a list...

Is Legal Separation Required in North Carolina?
You hear a lot about legal separation in NC. Most of what you hear, however, is incorrect. You will not find a law entitled "legal...

Do You Have to Live Apart (in Separate Homes) to be Legally Separated in NC?
The quick and easy answer is YES! What if you have been living under the same roof but have literally divided the house in half and you...

LegalZoom being sued by North Carolina State Bar - another good reason not to use them.
Adding to the post from earlier today, it has been brought to my attention that LegalZoom is engaged in a pretty hefty lawsuit with the...