What Does the Bible Have to Say About Divorce?
What Does the Bible Have to Say About Divorce? by Tiffany Lesnik on 05/13/13 Many of my clients are Christians and as such are very...

Do You Have to Live Apart (in Separate Homes) to be Legally Separated in NC?
The quick and easy answer is YES! What if you have been living under the same roof but have literally divided the house in half and you...

Hourly Billing Versus Flat Fee Billing: Fees Uncomplicated
Legal Fees can add up and they can add up fast. When searching for a lawyer most lawyers will have their own fee structures. Some will...

LegalZoom being sued by North Carolina State Bar - another good reason not to use them.
Adding to the post from earlier today, it has been brought to my attention that LegalZoom is engaged in a pretty hefty lawsuit with the...